Saturday, December 26, 2009

Find your inspiration & resolution for this NEW YEAR 2010

As we all know very well, this is the time when people are really talking about New Year's resolutions, new starts. It's a brand new year, brand new day and they'd really love to break free of some of the old stuff--go into some beautiful new green pastures in their life. I am Sure you will agree ... YES ..

Do you know, we tend to overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in a decade. If you can prioritize your GOALS based on your own passion and needs then i am sure you will achieve most of it.

I was at the gym the other morning and of course, the gym this week is busier than it's been all year. But give it a couple of weeks, and it's probably going to be back to normal again. One of the personal trainers came up to me, and thought he was making kind of cordial talk and he said, 'Hey, it's a new year. Do you even remember any of your resolutions?" I said "Well, absolutely, I do" and he said "Well, how many have you all of them yet or forgotten them yet?" and I 'm like "No, I really haven't." But you know that's kind of the current state of affairs.

What a lot of us do, we set those New Year's resolutions and then, if we're not careful we don't check in to see how we're doing until New Year's next year.
How to avoid it??
I would encourage each and everyone of us to find a point of inspiration which will help us to achieve the GOALS in the process.



Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How to get rid of FEAR and Speak in Public


Do you ask yourself : can i speak in public?

YES, YOU CAN! if you will accept your anxiety as a motivating force.

1. Prepare you speech completely using the "rule of three".

Think immediately of the angle you want to take on the topic, and put three main ideas in your head about that topic. These might reflect three challenges, three benefits, three methods, or three anything else. You can also pose three questions you will answer in your talk (for example, what, where, and why).

2.Study the audience so thoroughly that you are sure you know how to push their “hot buttons.”

3.Rehearse your presentation from the very lectern (if possible, in the very room where you’ll deliver it).

4. During the speech, involve your audience actively in your presentation from the beginning. Get them up on their feet; invite them to the front of the room to register opinions on a tote board; having them tell you the portions of your presentation they hope you’ll emphasize. Share with your audience the responsibility to kick off a great catch.

5.Use overhead transparencies or other audiovisuals to give the audience something to look at besides you.

As each and every person is unique, find out the way in which you could get the attention of most of the audience during your speech.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Learn to Survive FAILURES

Most of us know failures are stepping stone to success as we get important clue / feedback from the failure to correct our strategy to success. Isn't it?

I am sure you will agree with me that one should learn to survive the failure as in the game of GOLF where you need one correct shot to win.

Shall we learn to survive failure(s) in order to achieve our GOALS.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Do you Review your GOAL CHART periodically??

I am sure the following will help you to better understand this topic and may be of benefit in acheiving your GOAL.

As you know, most of the GOAL Chart are reviewed at the beginning of a New Year wherein SHORT TERM GOALS for the year is set.For example, one of the GOAL in your chart is to Lose Weight, can you do it without periodical review of weight gain / loss.

In fact, there actually is no single “best way to lose weight” which will fit each and every person. Since everyone is unlike and is unequaled in their own way, it can be safely said that each person will have a different necessity when it comes to weight release options.

I think however, it can be said that there is a best way to lose weight for every individual, and it is best if you can find this out for yourself and follow it. Alternatively you may also find review on best weight loss programme at

As you can see there are a number of options open to you, and it only hinges on which one you take to get your weight leaving under way.

Before you considering to begin on any weight loss method however, it is always best if you consult with your doctor or other certified person to decide whether this is the best way to lose weight for you. keeping your weight loss plan flexible gives you leeway to change it as you go through it, weedding out the bad spots and fine tuning the things which work for. In this way especially you will find that you really are reaping the results and that you have truly found the best way to lose weight, for yourself.

As the best way to lose weight will work only if you follow through on it to the conclusion like other GOALS where taking Consistent Action and reviewing the progress periodically helps to reach GOALS faster.

To Success

Thank you for taking you time to read through this information if you’re interested in gathering more knowledge on Success / Goals, please continue to search this site.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

FOCUS: How to keep Mind on Track towards GOAL

Gaining focus and maintaining concentration on school, work, or whatever your goal is quite a challenge for most of us isn't it?. Both things however are important if you wish to acheive your GOAL faster and efficiently.

1.Know What You Want.

It is impossible for you to gain focus and concentration if you do not know what you want. Be as specific as possible when describing your goals to yourself. If you know exactly what you want, the better you will be able to focus and concentrate on getting what you want.

2.Take one step at a Time.

Do you know, Even Einstein had to concentrate on the nuclear bomb exclusively before moving on to something else less dangerous.
If you wish to be able to accomplish your goal, you need to take things one step at a time.

3.Divide, Organize, and Conquer.

In relation to doing things one at a time, the best way to gain focus and concentration is by dividing a huge task into smaller sections. Then, you can focus and concentrate on accomplishing one section after another. If you have a project to work on, divide it into sections such as planning, gathering for resources, implementing the changes, and so forth.

If you do it that way, the next thing you know you have already completed the task way before the time allotted for you.

4.Expect Resistance.

Life is never smooth sailing for anyone in this world, not even for Bill Gates. As such, be prepared to encounter resistance of sorts to completing your goals. Distraction comes in all shapes and sizes, so it could be anything that would threaten your focus on concentration.

Knowing however that there will be an obstacle to overcome will already help you to conquer whatever challenge you are facing and resume your focus and concentration.

5.Gaining Focus and Concentration Takes Time.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that you will gain instant success the first time you try to follow these tips. Sure, it is possible for that to happen but it is even more possible that it will not. If you have trouble gaining focus and concentration, do not feel worried and give up immediately because what you are going through is normal.

As time passes however, you will see that gaining focus and concentration gets easier every time.

6.Focus and Concentration are not for Free.

You will always have to give up something to make room for something better. In this case, the price of focus and concentration may just be about anything but its most probably the one thing that causes you the most distraction.

For some, it could be using the telephone during work hours while for some it is their inner struggle for self-confidence.

7.Do Today What You Can Do Tomorrow.

In simple terms: avoid procrastinating. The earlier you start working on your goals, the better you will be able to gain focus and concentration. If you leave things too late, you will end up being stressed, pressured, and bothered by the ticking deadline. If you work early on the other hand, you will be more able to focus and concentrate because there is nothing else to worry about except to get the job done.

Once you do develop the right habits to be able to gain focus and concentration easily then do not take your ability for granted.
Practice, practice, and practice some more!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Do you believe in EMPLOYEE Motivation

As you are aware,motivation is the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. It has also been defined as the inner force that drives us to do something.

What are the benefits of Employee Motivation?

If a person has to do a job and do it good, they need some sort of motivation factor behind it. When employees are motivated they are more likely to enjoy what they do and therefore will produce better result from their work. Therefore, the manager or boss is to motivate the employees then he or she should also be motivated.It has been found that employee motivation is the key to performance improvement.

Factors that could motivate people to do good work.
One of the leading motivating factors in a job is money. Those people who are being paid well for their services are more likely to do better work than those who are not. It has been found in the United States that people who are being underpaid for the work they do are working up the level that they could be. They are too busy thinking about their pay and wishing they were getting more. If they were getting paid for their time and effort then maybe they would be motivated to do better work.
You can also look at employee motivation from a psychological point of view.
As we understand the importance of Employeee Motivation, we must know that the Five different levels to motivation are based on people's needs. These needs include, physiological, safety, social, ego, and self- actualizing. Maslow argued that lower level needs had to be satisfied before the next higher level need would motivate employees. There are other psychologists who believe that there are other factors that lead to motivation amongst people. These include, motivators or intrinsic factors, such as achievement and recognition, produce job satisfaction. Hygiene or extrinsic factors, such as pay and job security, produce job dissatisfaction.

I am sure now you will beleive in Employee Motivation, isn't it?


Thursday, October 8, 2009

How to Build GOOD Communication skill at workplace

As we all know strengthening workplace communication strengthens every aspect of the business. In addition to forming personal connections that are rewarding in their own right, each and everyone's career will also start to soar. On the other hand, bad workplace communication is responsible for most bad business and much of the bad feeling about the job.

How to establish good communication in the workplace.

1.The first step is to create opportunities to speak to colleagues face-to-face. Talking to someone in person makes effective communication less awkward. This lets the participants more correctly comprehend what is trying to be conveyed and to also read and interpret the speakers body language. Workplace communication depends much on comprehending the whole message which is achieved most efficiently through meeting directly. People talking to one another is an essential part of business. When people talk to each other in person they seem to understand one another better.

What if I cannot meet in person? A second best choice would be to call on the phone. You can thus hear the tone of the other person's voice, at least.

2. Be Friendly with your Colleagues:
As every company is divided into various departments or sections. Wherever you are, whatever your rank, you will do nothing but benefit by making friends among all your colleagues. This form of communication in the work place will not only provide you what you need to solve issues in the department that is yours, but it will create opportunities for advancing with other parts of the business as well.

3. Remember to be consistent and courteous
: If you want to separate you from the average worker, simply say "Thank you " to everyone you meet.There is a great deal of power in workplace communication through the little actions that show gratitude. When your message is consistent, people will grow familiar with the way you speak and communicate. Doing so helps to streamline communication and to clarify your intentions succinctly in your emails and memos. Most important aspect of workplace communication is that it is required to reduce workplace conflict. The swiftest and best way to resolve problems in the company is to ask what is best for that company. You shall be astonished on how a conversation changes when this question is asked.

Last but not least to remember: Workplace communication is always between the speaker and the audience, requiring communication between both parties. It will be hard to find someone to talk to when you are always negative and have nothing helpful to say. If your goal is to climb up the corporate ladder, you should be able to have a conversation with others on just about everything. You will need to gain a greater understanding of your industry, and also find out about the outside interests of your co-workers.

I am sure by using the above simple procedure, communication at workplace will increase your worth at your place of employment and will bring new chances for advancement in career.


How to Communicate better at workplace

Most of us know that strengthening work place communication strengthens every aspect of our business. In addition to forming personal connections that are rewarding in their own right, each and everyone's career will also start to soar, isn't it?.

YES... How to establish good communication in the workplace.
Following the steps given below, can improve the Communication skills at workplace.

1. The first step to build better workplace communication is to create opportunities to speak to colleagues face-to-face. Talking to someone in person makes communication effective & less awkward. This lets the participants more correctly comprehend what is trying to be conveyed and to also read and interpret the speakers body language. Workplace communication depends much on comprehending the whole message which is achieved most efficiently through meeting directly. People talking to one another is an essential part of business. When people talk to each other in person they seem to understand one another better.

A second best choice would be to call on the phone. You can thus hear the tone of the other person's voice, at least.

2. Next, work to improve and solidify workplace communication skills. Almost every company is divided into various departments or sections. Wherever you are, whatever your rank, you will do nothing but benefit by making friends among all your colleagues. This form of communication in the work place will not only provide you what you need to solve issues in the department that is yours, but it will create opportunities for advancing with other parts of the business as well. Always, Remember to be consistent and courteous that you MUST not have any problems with others. If you want to separate you from the average worker, simply say "Thank you ".

There is a great deal of power in workplace communication through the little actions that show gratitude. When your message is consistent, people will grow familiar with the way you speak and communicate.
Doing so helps to streamline communication and to clarify your intentions succinctly in your emails and memos. And most of all, workplace communication is necessary to reducing workplace conflict. The swiftest and best way to resolve problems in the company is to ask what is best for that company. You shall be astonished on how a conversation changes when this question is asked.

3.Workplace communication is always between the speaker and the audience, requiring communication between both parties. It will be hard to find someone to talk to when you are always negative and have nothing helpful to say. Dull people are out there, but they probably only seem dull to those who value different pastimes. If your goal is to climb up the corporate ladder, you should be able to have a conversation with others on just about everything. You will need to gain a greater understanding of your industry, and also find out about the outside interests of your co-workers.

Using this workplace procedure for communication will tremendously add to your worth at your place of employment and will bring new chances for advancement.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Be Motivated - Daily

Motivation Secrets:

As we all know, life can be frustrating in today's society. It is becoming more and more difficult for people to find happiness in the world we live in today. But there are many people who know that it is important to stay positive and obtain daily motivation.

Do we know attitude and motivation can spread onto others around us. Yes, it will. If one person in the workplace is happy and upbeat, it will catch on to others.
If you are a happy positive person with daily motivation, then maybe the person sitting next to you at work will also see it and it will give them, too, a lift.

I am sure each and everyone will agree that Life does have its downfalls. However, we need to focus on the good things about our lives.We will achieve more success by thinking positive than having negative thoughts.

So how do we go about obtaining daily motivation? Well, there are four techniques according to Peter Murphy.
( Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: )

1. Daily motivation books

There are books available for positive reading. You start out each day by reading a daily passage in the positive mode. It starts your day the right way and you can think on it all day long.

2. Daily motivational e-mails

With technology the way it is today, an e-mail a day may be the answer for your daily motivation. There are many websites out there that will send you free motivational e-mail messages.

3. Self help books

There a number of great motivational books that will help a person with daily motivation.

4. Being a good Samaritan

When life looks bleak, look at the next guy. Someone always has it worse than you. Try doing something nice for someone that is in need. It is a great way to fell motivated and positive.

Start out each day by setting goals. Whether it be a goal to get something done that you have been putting off for awhile or setting goals on how to be positive throughout the day. Goal setting is the key to self-motivation.

Positive thinking can only have a good effect on a person's attitude. If a person starts out each morning with positive goal to work on each day, it will encourage that person to be positive throughout the entire day. Daily motivation can be accomplished by something as simple as thinking positive thoughts.

To Success

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Most Common Excuses - Does it Help really.

We all look for excuses when we don't want to go work, isn't it?

We've all been there: it's a beautiful day and you can't bear the thought of going into work. So you call in with the lame-old excuse about feeling ill even though you know your boss doesn't buy it. Besides, "feeling ill" is at best only a short-term solution that won't win you any fans at the office. That's why if you're going to play hooky, you need an excuse that will help you save face as well as your sanity.

Here are some ideas people use as excuse.

1. (Women) "I have really bad cramps."
2. (Men) "I have horrible diarrhea."
3. "I'm having an allergic reaction to _______, and I need a day to recover."
4. "My grandmother's/grandfather's memorial service is today."
5. "My wife/husband is extremely ill and I need to stay home and take care of them."

Do you think these excuses help ?

May be yes for very short term only.

Whereas Most of us have to complete their project / assignment within the target date, hence it is not useful.

To become SUCCESSFUL , take responsibility and never look for excuses.


Article Source:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What is SUCCESS ?

Some of us think that in order to be successful, need more money?
Or maybe it could be that you want a family of your own?
Success to you could also be that you want to go back to university and study to improve your career prospects?
There are so many things that success could be and you have to realise what it is in your life that you want to achieve, in order to know how to be successful.

Overall being successful could mean a whole range of things to many different people. It all depends upon your own personal preferences what a successful life is for you. You just need to understand what it is that you want in life and write down your life goals.

Once Goal is identified, the same has to be followed up with Plan of Action.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Do you Look for Opportunity ? Is it Always

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill.

I am sure all of us go through many challenges in achieving our goals and face failure(s) in the process many times, isn't it.
Do we want to see opportunites in those failures?, We MUST do it.
If you ask WHY and HOW ...

Richard Branson, saw it an opportunity when his flight got cancelled and said let me
start an airline and you know today Virgin Airlines is because of that.
As you know Successful people do things differently. we must look for Opportunity always.

I am sure you will agree with me that every failure is a feedback, shall we start looking for those opportunities in the process (feedback) and benefit from it.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Do you Lose Temper often

As you know very well, most of us lose our temper at some point. Do you Lose it often. If yes, do you think you can achive best results by doing so ???

I am sure most of the time Losing Temper will not work in our favour.

Still in doubt ?

Pls read...

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper.
His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day, the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those
nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the boy was finally
able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry the wound is still there.

Will you agree now that a verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.

I am sure you will find out your own way(s) to control bad temper from today.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Love - Does it help Sales & Marketing

"Praise is well, compliment is well, but affection-that is
the last and most precious reward that any man can win,
whether by character or achievement."
--Mark Twain

Most of us will listen to a cousin about a stock tip over a 40-year
stock-investing guru, if we don't know him or her., isn't it ???

Are they more knowledgeable than the guru ??? of course No.

If that is true, how to excel in marketing/sales.

1. To market a product or an idea effectively, we should neither hold contempt nor dislike other people.
2. Never allow your own best interests come first.

I am sure if we can practice above then it will be difficult to get through each day without abundant feelings of love or just sincerely good opinions about other people flowing through the veins which means rate of SUCCESS in Sales / Marketing will go up.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Real Heros

At some point of time, each and everyone of us dream to become hero in our locale isn't it?
I am sure you will agree with me that we all have natural ability to become leader.
Do you think, yes it is true but how will i do ???

You may start with the following simple steps.
1. Idenfify your strength.
2. Write down what you want to achieve by becoming a hero.
3. Believe in your abilities to realise the true potential.

with persistence you will find that your confidence level goes up, which is very very important to become a HERO.

To your success.