Saturday, December 26, 2009

Find your inspiration & resolution for this NEW YEAR 2010

As we all know very well, this is the time when people are really talking about New Year's resolutions, new starts. It's a brand new year, brand new day and they'd really love to break free of some of the old stuff--go into some beautiful new green pastures in their life. I am Sure you will agree ... YES ..

Do you know, we tend to overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in a decade. If you can prioritize your GOALS based on your own passion and needs then i am sure you will achieve most of it.

I was at the gym the other morning and of course, the gym this week is busier than it's been all year. But give it a couple of weeks, and it's probably going to be back to normal again. One of the personal trainers came up to me, and thought he was making kind of cordial talk and he said, 'Hey, it's a new year. Do you even remember any of your resolutions?" I said "Well, absolutely, I do" and he said "Well, how many have you all of them yet or forgotten them yet?" and I 'm like "No, I really haven't." But you know that's kind of the current state of affairs.

What a lot of us do, we set those New Year's resolutions and then, if we're not careful we don't check in to see how we're doing until New Year's next year.
How to avoid it??
I would encourage each and everyone of us to find a point of inspiration which will help us to achieve the GOALS in the process.



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