Wednesday, June 11, 2008

CANI !!!! what does it mean to you

As you read the subject CANI, what do you think

Is it the same question which comes to your mind whenever i start any new activity ???

If yes you are right PARTIALLY as CANI could mean something else also

As Americans read CANI as Constatnt and Never-ending Improvement , each and everyone of us can also read it the same way.

I am sure if we start reading it as mentioned above, our journey towards acccomplishment of GOALS will become much easier as we will inch closer to the GOAL every day.

Shall we start taking action towards CANI Now as Japanese (KAIZEN) also focusses on continious Improvement.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Do you have enough Time ???

"SUCCESS and Failure depend entirely on how you spend your time. Perhaps two people may succeed at the same thing, but of the two, the person who uses time wisely will be more successful" -- Kim woo choong.

I am sure you will agree with me that we all have exactly the same number of hours per Day that were given to Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein., isn't it???

If yes, shall we stop complaining that we do not have enough time.

To Success.