Thursday, October 8, 2009

How to Build GOOD Communication skill at workplace

As we all know strengthening workplace communication strengthens every aspect of the business. In addition to forming personal connections that are rewarding in their own right, each and everyone's career will also start to soar. On the other hand, bad workplace communication is responsible for most bad business and much of the bad feeling about the job.

How to establish good communication in the workplace.

1.The first step is to create opportunities to speak to colleagues face-to-face. Talking to someone in person makes effective communication less awkward. This lets the participants more correctly comprehend what is trying to be conveyed and to also read and interpret the speakers body language. Workplace communication depends much on comprehending the whole message which is achieved most efficiently through meeting directly. People talking to one another is an essential part of business. When people talk to each other in person they seem to understand one another better.

What if I cannot meet in person? A second best choice would be to call on the phone. You can thus hear the tone of the other person's voice, at least.

2. Be Friendly with your Colleagues:
As every company is divided into various departments or sections. Wherever you are, whatever your rank, you will do nothing but benefit by making friends among all your colleagues. This form of communication in the work place will not only provide you what you need to solve issues in the department that is yours, but it will create opportunities for advancing with other parts of the business as well.

3. Remember to be consistent and courteous
: If you want to separate you from the average worker, simply say "Thank you " to everyone you meet.There is a great deal of power in workplace communication through the little actions that show gratitude. When your message is consistent, people will grow familiar with the way you speak and communicate. Doing so helps to streamline communication and to clarify your intentions succinctly in your emails and memos. Most important aspect of workplace communication is that it is required to reduce workplace conflict. The swiftest and best way to resolve problems in the company is to ask what is best for that company. You shall be astonished on how a conversation changes when this question is asked.

Last but not least to remember: Workplace communication is always between the speaker and the audience, requiring communication between both parties. It will be hard to find someone to talk to when you are always negative and have nothing helpful to say. If your goal is to climb up the corporate ladder, you should be able to have a conversation with others on just about everything. You will need to gain a greater understanding of your industry, and also find out about the outside interests of your co-workers.

I am sure by using the above simple procedure, communication at workplace will increase your worth at your place of employment and will bring new chances for advancement in career.


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