Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How to Get Job Done Through People.

Most of us get the job done through people if we have to achieve greater target / goal which requires multiple task to be done simultaneously., isn't it?

If you say yes it's true then we must find out strategies to get the task done through people. We can identify the strategies if we are able to understand the process of getting the job done through people which can be subdivided into four stages such as

1. Preparation: During preparation stage, we must make people to understand the task, identify the objectives and pre plan to enable them to get organized.

2. Organizing:
During this stage, detailed planning is to be done by defining the resources & constraints, obtaining the informations needed to make decisions, decide priorities, agree course of action and define the authority and responsibilities.

3. Implementation: During this stage monitoring controlling and providing support such as encouraging /assisting without interferring is required to achieve desired result.

4. Evaluation:
This stage is also important in reviewing (to adjust / reallocate if required) to reward people for their contribution in achieving the task which will motivate them to do the task more efficiently in future.

I am sure you will agree with me that we can find out whether above mentioned strategies are suitable or not only if we apply the same into the process.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do you Empower yourself to be assertive

Most of us are aware that it is important to be assertive and not agressive to become succesful.

How to become more assertive ?

As you know, mind is the most powerful force on the earth which helps us to imagine either Success or Failure. To become more assertive we have to train our mind to focus on SUCCESS alone. Is it possible ?
YES, with few simple strategies listed below.

1. Imaging :

Visualize and create images in the mind as if what you want is already happening along with the emotional desire to make it happen. Concentrate on this image in moments of relaxation.

2. Meditation and Relaxation:

Objective of the meditation and relaxation here is to free your body & mind from stress. You can choose either simple walk & yoga or any method of relaxation and meditation through which you can free the body and mind from stress. Once you are in relaxed state, empower yourself to focus on new possibilities & strategies.

3. Affirming:

Affirmation is important as it will give confidence to express yourself without aggression. Few thoughts listed below can keep yourself to be creative & affirmative

I Communicate more clearly and effectively.
I am becoming more stronger and Courageous.
I am becoming an assertive from inside out.
I can create love, Success and Happiness for myself.

4. Music

Music is helpful to some one who likes to create anchors using audio ( it could be powerful speech or some music )which will urge to take action towards the Goal.

5. Maps

Maps / Chart having colourful representation of what we want to achieve will be helpful to those who can anchor on visual to achieve the Goal.

Though several strategies are available to empower ourselves to be assertive, i am sure above mentioned strategies will help us to become more assertive soon.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pro-active behaviour - How important is it ?

As we all know Pro-active behaviour is in contrast (opposite) to reactive behaviour which can be defined in simple terms as follows:

"Acting before event(s)"
"Taking the iniative"
"Exploring Opportunities to Contribute"

Though Management of Professional Task(s) require both Pro-active and reactive behaviour., the task could be well managed through Pro-active planning as it provides structured way of identifying the main aspects of the job to meet the responsibilities.

I am sure most us will agree that being Pro-active is important., isn't it?

Some simple steps which can help us to become Pro-active are

1. Identify Key Responsibility Area and start thinking as follows
2. What are my main responsibilities
3. What iniatives do i have to take in each area.

Once we identify the above then we have to set deadlines for specific task by allocating time.

4. Monitoring the progress is also part of pro-active behaviour as monitoring will help us to change our strategies in time.