Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Are your Habits helping or hindering you
Most of us would admit to having some habits, that we wish we didn't have.
To ensure that the habits help to achieve, one has to identify the habit(s) consistently brought rewards and the habits which hindered the accomplishments.
Remember, Life isn't going to pause for you while you amend the habits that hinders your performance. As there is no rewinding better change the habit which is not useful.Though Change may not be easy, you can change old habits and form new useful)habits with decision and commitment.
There may be few setbacks. Do not Give-up.
If you are able to repeat the new (useful) habit continiously for a period of 21 days or more then you will succeed in changing your old habit to the one which is useful for you.
Key is to identify what is useful for you and change to make all habits as useful.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How to Get Job Done Through People.
If you say yes it's true then we must find out strategies to get the task done through people. We can identify the strategies if we are able to understand the process of getting the job done through people which can be subdivided into four stages such as
1. Preparation: During preparation stage, we must make people to understand the task, identify the objectives and pre plan to enable them to get organized.
2. Organizing: During this stage, detailed planning is to be done by defining the resources & constraints, obtaining the informations needed to make decisions, decide priorities, agree course of action and define the authority and responsibilities.
3. Implementation: During this stage monitoring controlling and providing support such as encouraging /assisting without interferring is required to achieve desired result.
4. Evaluation: This stage is also important in reviewing (to adjust / reallocate if required) to reward people for their contribution in achieving the task which will motivate them to do the task more efficiently in future.
I am sure you will agree with me that we can find out whether above mentioned strategies are suitable or not only if we apply the same into the process.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Do you Empower yourself to be assertive
How to become more assertive ?
As you know, mind is the most powerful force on the earth which helps us to imagine either Success or Failure. To become more assertive we have to train our mind to focus on SUCCESS alone. Is it possible ?
YES, with few simple strategies listed below.
1. Imaging :
Visualize and create images in the mind as if what you want is already happening along with the emotional desire to make it happen. Concentrate on this image in moments of relaxation.
2. Meditation and Relaxation:
Objective of the meditation and relaxation here is to free your body & mind from stress. You can choose either simple walk & yoga or any method of relaxation and meditation through which you can free the body and mind from stress. Once you are in relaxed state, empower yourself to focus on new possibilities & strategies.
3. Affirming:
Affirmation is important as it will give confidence to express yourself without aggression. Few thoughts listed below can keep yourself to be creative & affirmative
I Communicate more clearly and effectively.
I am becoming more stronger and Courageous.
I am becoming an assertive from inside out.
I can create love, Success and Happiness for myself.
4. Music
Music is helpful to some one who likes to create anchors using audio ( it could be powerful speech or some music )which will urge to take action towards the Goal.
5. Maps
Maps / Chart having colourful representation of what we want to achieve will be helpful to those who can anchor on visual to achieve the Goal.
Though several strategies are available to empower ourselves to be assertive, i am sure above mentioned strategies will help us to become more assertive soon.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Pro-active behaviour - How important is it ?
"Acting before event(s)"
"Taking the iniative"
"Exploring Opportunities to Contribute"
Though Management of Professional Task(s) require both Pro-active and reactive behaviour., the task could be well managed through Pro-active planning as it provides structured way of identifying the main aspects of the job to meet the responsibilities.
I am sure most us will agree that being Pro-active is important., isn't it?
Some simple steps which can help us to become Pro-active are
1. Identify Key Responsibility Area and start thinking as follows
2. What are my main responsibilities
3. What iniatives do i have to take in each area.
Once we identify the above then we have to set deadlines for specific task by allocating time.
4. Monitoring the progress is also part of pro-active behaviour as monitoring will help us to change our strategies in time.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Positive Feedback
Is it useful?
Yes it is. Do we know how can we give positive feedback, If you are intrested you can practise the simple steps listed below:
1. Tell the person in specific, descriptive terms what behaviour(s) he/she did it right and the impact of that behaviour - upfront.
2. Be specific and tell the person how you feel about the behaviour or how the behaviour will affect others.
3. Encourage More.
I am sure above mentioned simple steps will guide us to give more and more positive feedback.
Sometimes it is the difference between Success and Failure.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Goal is it important ??? WHY ?????
Most of us understand the importance of GOALS and write our GOALS at the beginning of every year, isn't it??
Are we able to accomplish the GOAL as planned?
What could be the reason(s) for delay in acheiving the Goal??
I am sure we can achieve our Goals faster if we realise "Goals are funny things as they dont work unless you do" and start taking action consistently.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
One More Strategy to BE HAPPY.
"No man is Happy unless he believes he is." -- P.Syrus
Is it useful or not ?
If yes, How can we believe.
I am sure most of us consider failures as feedback and revise our strategies to reach our Goal, Isn't it?.
Simple strategy to Happiness is,
We have to learn / accept the fact that change and challenges are part and parcel of our Life.
I am sure if we can accept the above our life will become Happier.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
CANI !!!! what does it mean to you
Is it the same question which comes to your mind whenever i start any new activity ???
If yes you are right PARTIALLY as CANI could mean something else also
As Americans read CANI as Constatnt and Never-ending Improvement , each and everyone of us can also read it the same way.
I am sure if we start reading it as mentioned above, our journey towards acccomplishment of GOALS will become much easier as we will inch closer to the GOAL every day.
Shall we start taking action towards CANI Now as Japanese (KAIZEN) also focusses on continious Improvement.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Do you have enough Time ???
I am sure you will agree with me that we all have exactly the same number of hours per Day that were given to Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein., isn't it???
If yes, shall we stop complaining that we do not have enough time.
To Success.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Do you Fear for Mistake and delay your action
Do you ask yourself "If I make a mistake during this task, what's the worst that could happen? What's the best?
If yes, you are right as it will give insight for you to resolve the issue so that you can start taking action without the fear of failure.
How could this help?
Well, as simple as it sounds, if you do what you fear enough times, you'll find that there is nothing to fear.You'll become comfortable doing it. The thing you feared will soon become routine.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Do you welcome Feedback
We receive either constructive or critical feedback from our teacher, boss, colleagues,friends and family almost daily due to which our internal representations starts creating unique pattern for ourselves in giving and receiving feedback.
As you know, we interact with many people to reach our GOAL which only means that we MUST know how to receive critical feedback and to give constructive feedback. As the option to accept or reject the feedback always lies with those who receives it, we can change our belief towards critical feedback as another point of view.
If we can learn to welcome critical feedback as a vechicle for learning then our perception on critical feedback will change which only means that the outcome will become less stressful.
Three Basic Steps to be remembered while giving unsolicited feedback are
1. Select Your Timing
2. Secure the other person's permission
3. Share specifics.
If we implement the above while giving feedback then others will also follow the same sooner or later.
Shall we show our willingness to accept both positive and critical feedback which will encourage others to follow as feedbacks are inevitable.
To your SUCCESS.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Do you practise Attitude of Gratitude
"I was complaining that I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet." - Confucius
I am sure by reading the above quote most of us will realise that we have Legs, arms, brain and all vital organs. Isn't it??
Did you praise and offer gratitude to Almighty GOD for that ???.
Can you ever think of selling it!!!.
I wouldn't take any amount of money for mine.
How about you? Would you sell them?
Did you know that scientists and doctors have studied many thousands of people under hypnosis and have found that we have virtually perfect memories? People who have had electronic stimulation to parts of their brains have shown the same thing. When stimulated, people have been literally "brought back"to days and moments in their lives and they remembered every thought, word, look, step, everything. Just as ifthey were in the moment again. Even 30+ years later. That's astonishing, isn't it?
But to get more out of it on a daily basis, we have to be in the right state of mind.
Hypnosis is simply a state of alert relaxation. In that state, photographic memory can occur. Let's make a commitment to keeping a watchful eye on our state of mind every moment.
If you say and think those woe-is-me thoughts every second of the day, you're going to get sub-par or no performance at all. You're absolutely killing your chances of success and happiness... And with a magnificent brain like yours, that is a tragedy.
Instead i would suggest you to write down the following two statements:
1- "What is great about right now?"
2- "What am I thankful for right now?
If you can find answer to the above, you will become calm and that state will help to improve.
Even if you're an extreme optimist, do this.
Shall we start practising attitude of Gratitude. Are you confused ?
Not to worry much as it becomes easy if you will beleive in yourself and the affirmations listed below:
I'm grateful for all that I have.
I have so much to be thankful for in my life.
I can feel great any time I want simply by remembering my blessings.
I quickly let go of negative thoughts when they threaten to overtake me.
My mind is a powerful tool that I have at my disposal any time I want .
Monday, May 5, 2008
Do you set goals based on real needs and desires
What is your Goal, is it something like:
want to be rich; want a screen star body; win a gold medal.
If you are wondering what is wrong in setting such big GOALS then read the following:
The trouble with big goals is not that you're dreaming outof your league.
In fact very few set goals in such a way that they ever get accomplished. Like everything else there is right and wrong ways to do this also.
Are you in pain. Emotional, physical, whatever. Choose an area that gives you a big one of these "pains." I mean, why go after something you really don't want badly,right? Getting rid of a gnawing pain that you've had for awhile is a great way.
What does it cost you to have the problem or lack? Write down the physical costs,emotional, mental, social, spiritual, financial. Spread itout for 1, 2, 5 and 20 years. Feel it. Take your time. It's been a long time that you haven't had this "goal" so a little time spent doing this is an investment. I am sure this will give you determination you didn't think you had.
You have it... You just have to find this pain and then keep it handy. When you have that, you'll have a base for the setting of a goal - a goal that inspires you to keep going... to reachdown deep. Do this exercise and you'll begin to see the power of starting out intelligently instead of letting others control your goals for you.
To your Success
Sunday, April 27, 2008
"Do you think SUCCESS is complicated?" - No.
himself into a person who possessed that virtue his mission and did not worry about any of the other 12 until he had mastered the first one.
read more about how to evolve strategies at http://www.link2success.net/evolvestrategy.html
Ultimately, he conquered them all.
"The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests." --A.J. Nock
And he will forever be remembered as one of the greatest men who ever lived. Man, this is simple!
Read more about memory at http://www.link2success.net/memory.html
I am sure you will agree with me now that Success isn't complicated, is it?
Friday, April 18, 2008
How to Plan the Day & Activities effectively
Most of know that Planning is essential in Life as it guides us towards achieving our Target and also provide opportunity to get feedback if performances are monitored.It always amazes me how people will take the time out to plan a trip yet refuse to spend even a few minutes planning their lives.
As we all know, having a plan when traveling helps to prevent getting lost. It also keeps one on the proper path to make sure that time lines are maintained. Not surprisingly, planning our lives has the same effect. Setting forth the direction that we are heading and the time periods for accomplishing different things increases the chances that we will not get lost.
As important as having a life plan is, it is incomplete without breaking it down to the shortest time period possible. As much as we tend to focus on the months and years of our lives, this is not where we live.
Like they say in twelve step programs, we live 'one day at a time'. Upon awakening, each of us faces 12-18 hours before we retire in bed again.
How we utilize this time is what separates the quality of life among different people.
Of course, the way to make this most time most effective is to plan it out.Many have a daily planner that they use. This is especially true in their business. All the appointments for the day are entered. Deadlines are noted along with plans for achievement. However, this is an incomplete 'plan'. To neglect one's personal affairs is what often leaves people feeling a bit unfulfilled.The same twelve step programs mentioned above contain the aspect of daily plan. Part of their curriculum is to look at the day ahead to prepare for those situations where moments of weakness might arise. The temptation to fall back into the addictive behavior is reduced if one anticipates a troublesome area. Also, by concentrating on how one will attempt to respond in those circumstances, the perils are lessened.If this concept is effective in combating addiction, how much impact would it have on the life of a non-addict? The answer is that it can take one's life from a 'lost journey' to one that has purpose. By knowing where one is headed on a daily basis, the tendency to get lost is eliminated. We move from activity-to-activity seamlessly. Tasks that do not fit into our plan are not considered. A focused mind has a tremendous amount of power. A daily plan concentrates the mind on what is important.
Marc Victor Hansen, author of The Chicken Soup For The Soul series, claims to get up at 4:00 am each morning to set down his daily plan. He writes out his day in detail. It includes who he is going to see, what he is going to do, what he hopes to accomplish, and what he looks to give to each situation. Is it any wonder that he has sold over 100 million books? With a habit like this, nothing is left to chance. In effect, he 'lives' his day in his mind before he actually experiences. The chances that circumstances will go as he desires are increased since he already 'lived' the situation that morning. With his script for the day complete, he only need to follow it much in the same way an actor performs a scene. There is a certain amount of ad libbing involved. However, the basic essence of the scene comes off as it was written.The time spent planning your day will be dwarfed when you see the results that it produces. One quickly realizes that a few minutes of planning saves an equal, if not greater, amount of time. Time wasters are eliminated since an itinerary for the day is set. Those unexpected surprises can be dealt with in a more powerful fashion since the overall 'essence' of the day is in place.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Power of Communication is vital to SUCCESS
I know you will agree with me that the power of communication plays an important role in SUCCESS, isn't it?
If you are wondering , how come it could be always!!! please continue to read and find
If one were to take a look at some outstanding business leaders, they have an important quality in common. They are all exceedingly good communicators. People like Jack Welch and Tom Peters, to name just two, were great communicators. Their vision and passion would come through clearly, both orally and in their writing.
read more on http://www.link2success.net/ communication.html
Every budding manager needs to ask himself, "How good is my communication ability?" Today's youngsters crack the CAT, are amazing in numerical ability and data interpretation.
They do work on their verbal ability as well, but in practice, I suspect that they have miles to go in communication and this is one area where business schools, despite having courses in the area, do little work on.
Monday, April 14, 2008
"Persistence "- differentiates Success from Failure
Did you come across such situatrion in your Life?
Read the following story about Persistence
In an Indian temple, when the priest had gone forlunch, the Idol of the Lord and the Stepping Stone were conversing.
Stepping Stone: “What a good fate you have. We both were the same lump of rock for millions of years. The sculptor carved an idol out of you and every one is worshipping you. And look at me, I am a stepping stone and every one stands on me and stamps on. What kind of life is this?“
The Idol kept smiling and never bothered to answer this, now, routine murmur from the stepping stone. But the stepping stone ( stone used as a step, that is )
will never stop his constant bickering.
The Idol replied: “But do you remember that when the sculptor set out to carve an idol, it was you he chose, first. You were so impatient. In one strike, you broke in to two . But when he tried on me, I grinned and bore all the hammers and chisel strikes with PATIENCE . Here I am the worshipful and happy Idol and you are the Stepping Stone.
After reading the above story, i am sure you know that "The difference between success and failure is persistence".
Monday, April 7, 2008
If your answer is no., then you need to reflect and think
Do i Believe in my ability to achieve??
I am sure once you start beleiving in your abilities, achieving what you want becomes much easier.
To start with you can reiterate following five affirmations which are useful Beliefs.
1. I'm making the most of my life now and every day.
2. I am committed to living my life with passion
3. I'm using my unique gifts to enrich myself and others
4. I'm making myself worth more each and every day
5. I bring out the best in others
BELIEVE in your abilities to ACHIEVE.
How to make the TASK intresting
I am sure, if we can turn monotonous boring task into fun then we will be able to make it intresting, isn't it.
Make a game out of it!
For example, time yourself and keep trying to improve your time.
Let’s say you have to walk 4km daily as part of your fitness plan and Goal.
Challenge yourself!
Set a record how far can you go in 10 minutes. Then try to beat your own record. Or you can time yourself to see how long it takes you to walk 1KM. And beat your record again!
The good thing is you will always be a winner.
You can turn any boring task into fun game. Just use a little imagination!
Friday, April 4, 2008
ONE More strategy to do the TASK DAILY
To me, one simple strategy is to ensure fitness to do the Task.
My idea of physical fitness is fairly simple - to stretch as many muscles in my body as possible as often as possible. So I shall engage in a variety of exercises with a focus on my internal organs around the navel as they are vital for good health.
Physical exercise coupled with deep and slow breathing help me to oxygenate my aging muscles. Means my body muscles need not just the stretch but the oxygen too. Again I have a range of breathing exercises to rely upon.
Finally but most importantly, I need to calm my mind and control my uncontrolled thoughts. I take refuge in meditation. I just close my eyes and foucs between the two eyes on the middle of the forehead and meditate on nothing. I shall be a silent witness to observing my incoming and outgoing breaths. I shall not take part in any form of thought building. I shall be alert without thinking at all and for atleast 5 minutes at a time for as many times as possible in a day.
Shall we start simple but effective step and ensure Fitness & Progress.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
TASK - Do you Like it
If you say "i hate driving in this mad traffic" , will it make your driving task easier?
I am sure it will not.
"Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible and suddenly you are doing impossible." -- St Francis of Assissi
I am sure, if you learn to Like the task then progress will become much easier.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Effective Strategy to Kill Procrastination
thinking about How to Kill Procrastination???
I strongly believe, small but simple strategy will do wonders than complicated proceedures and give below such simple strategy.
Step # 1- Ensure that the tasks in your action plan are small.
Step # 2 - Take action and complete the task daily & consistently.
Step # 3- Record your action (completed action only !!! do not confuse with your to do list).
I am sure the above strategy will help you to kill procrastination.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
What am i willing to give up to achieve my GOAL
Can you guess now ....
Yes, you are right.
If i am willing to give up procastination then i will definitely achieve my GOAL
To Success
Friday, March 21, 2008
Have Small but Important Task to Progress
Many times we delay in taking the action (FIRST STEP TOWARDS achieving Goal). Some of us put it off day by day stating that i do not have Energy and Time to start taking action towards my Goal after the daily routine, isn't it????
If you have small tasks in your action plan then you will definitely make some progress which will motivate you to take consistent action towards achieving the GOAL.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
I know most of us will feel good if we achieve our Goal whereas just feeling good alone can not inspire us to take consistent action which is why we must ask ourselves "why do you want to achieve the particular Goal???". I am sure you will have many reasons why you want it. Better write down all reason(s) which will motivate us better to start taking ACTION towards achieving our Goal.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Short-term goals expect accomplishment in a short period of time, such as trying to get a bill paid in the next few days. The definition of a short-term goal need not relate to any specific length of time. In other words, one may achieve (or fail to achieve) a short-term goal in a day, week, month, year, etc. The time-frame for a short-term goal relates to its context in the overall timeline that it is being applied to. For instance, one could measure a short-term goal for a month-long project in days; whereas one might measure a short-term goal for someone’s
Project goals
Goal-setters may make goals/objectives more explicit by following the guidelines associated with the SMART[1] acronym:
Specific: one should precisely define objectives or goals rather than tolerating diffuseness or nebulousness
Measurable: one should define a method of measuring the objectives/goals
Agreed-To/Achievable: all parties need to agree to the objectives/goals, and to their achievability
Realistic/Rewarding/Relevant: one must define realistic objectives/goals, the accomplishment of which must make sense
Time-bound: completion must occur within an agreed time-scale