Friday, May 23, 2008
Do you Fear for Mistake and delay your action
Do you ask yourself "If I make a mistake during this task, what's the worst that could happen? What's the best?
If yes, you are right as it will give insight for you to resolve the issue so that you can start taking action without the fear of failure.
How could this help?
Well, as simple as it sounds, if you do what you fear enough times, you'll find that there is nothing to fear.You'll become comfortable doing it. The thing you feared will soon become routine.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Do you welcome Feedback
We receive either constructive or critical feedback from our teacher, boss, colleagues,friends and family almost daily due to which our internal representations starts creating unique pattern for ourselves in giving and receiving feedback.
As you know, we interact with many people to reach our GOAL which only means that we MUST know how to receive critical feedback and to give constructive feedback. As the option to accept or reject the feedback always lies with those who receives it, we can change our belief towards critical feedback as another point of view.
If we can learn to welcome critical feedback as a vechicle for learning then our perception on critical feedback will change which only means that the outcome will become less stressful.
Three Basic Steps to be remembered while giving unsolicited feedback are
1. Select Your Timing
2. Secure the other person's permission
3. Share specifics.
If we implement the above while giving feedback then others will also follow the same sooner or later.
Shall we show our willingness to accept both positive and critical feedback which will encourage others to follow as feedbacks are inevitable.
To your SUCCESS.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Do you practise Attitude of Gratitude
"I was complaining that I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet." - Confucius
I am sure by reading the above quote most of us will realise that we have Legs, arms, brain and all vital organs. Isn't it??
Did you praise and offer gratitude to Almighty GOD for that ???.
Can you ever think of selling it!!!.
I wouldn't take any amount of money for mine.
How about you? Would you sell them?
Did you know that scientists and doctors have studied many thousands of people under hypnosis and have found that we have virtually perfect memories? People who have had electronic stimulation to parts of their brains have shown the same thing. When stimulated, people have been literally "brought back"to days and moments in their lives and they remembered every thought, word, look, step, everything. Just as ifthey were in the moment again. Even 30+ years later. That's astonishing, isn't it?
But to get more out of it on a daily basis, we have to be in the right state of mind.
Hypnosis is simply a state of alert relaxation. In that state, photographic memory can occur. Let's make a commitment to keeping a watchful eye on our state of mind every moment.
If you say and think those woe-is-me thoughts every second of the day, you're going to get sub-par or no performance at all. You're absolutely killing your chances of success and happiness... And with a magnificent brain like yours, that is a tragedy.
Instead i would suggest you to write down the following two statements:
1- "What is great about right now?"
2- "What am I thankful for right now?
If you can find answer to the above, you will become calm and that state will help to improve.
Even if you're an extreme optimist, do this.
Shall we start practising attitude of Gratitude. Are you confused ?
Not to worry much as it becomes easy if you will beleive in yourself and the affirmations listed below:
I'm grateful for all that I have.
I have so much to be thankful for in my life.
I can feel great any time I want simply by remembering my blessings.
I quickly let go of negative thoughts when they threaten to overtake me.
My mind is a powerful tool that I have at my disposal any time I want .
Monday, May 5, 2008
Do you set goals based on real needs and desires
What is your Goal, is it something like:
want to be rich; want a screen star body; win a gold medal.
If you are wondering what is wrong in setting such big GOALS then read the following:
The trouble with big goals is not that you're dreaming outof your league.
In fact very few set goals in such a way that they ever get accomplished. Like everything else there is right and wrong ways to do this also.
Are you in pain. Emotional, physical, whatever. Choose an area that gives you a big one of these "pains." I mean, why go after something you really don't want badly,right? Getting rid of a gnawing pain that you've had for awhile is a great way.
What does it cost you to have the problem or lack? Write down the physical costs,emotional, mental, social, spiritual, financial. Spread itout for 1, 2, 5 and 20 years. Feel it. Take your time. It's been a long time that you haven't had this "goal" so a little time spent doing this is an investment. I am sure this will give you determination you didn't think you had.
You have it... You just have to find this pain and then keep it handy. When you have that, you'll have a base for the setting of a goal - a goal that inspires you to keep going... to reachdown deep. Do this exercise and you'll begin to see the power of starting out intelligently instead of letting others control your goals for you.
To your Success