Friday, November 27, 2009

Learn to Survive FAILURES

Most of us know failures are stepping stone to success as we get important clue / feedback from the failure to correct our strategy to success. Isn't it?

I am sure you will agree with me that one should learn to survive the failure as in the game of GOLF where you need one correct shot to win.

Shall we learn to survive failure(s) in order to achieve our GOALS.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Do you Review your GOAL CHART periodically??

I am sure the following will help you to better understand this topic and may be of benefit in acheiving your GOAL.

As you know, most of the GOAL Chart are reviewed at the beginning of a New Year wherein SHORT TERM GOALS for the year is set.For example, one of the GOAL in your chart is to Lose Weight, can you do it without periodical review of weight gain / loss.

In fact, there actually is no single “best way to lose weight” which will fit each and every person. Since everyone is unlike and is unequaled in their own way, it can be safely said that each person will have a different necessity when it comes to weight release options.

I think however, it can be said that there is a best way to lose weight for every individual, and it is best if you can find this out for yourself and follow it. Alternatively you may also find review on best weight loss programme at

As you can see there are a number of options open to you, and it only hinges on which one you take to get your weight leaving under way.

Before you considering to begin on any weight loss method however, it is always best if you consult with your doctor or other certified person to decide whether this is the best way to lose weight for you. keeping your weight loss plan flexible gives you leeway to change it as you go through it, weedding out the bad spots and fine tuning the things which work for. In this way especially you will find that you really are reaping the results and that you have truly found the best way to lose weight, for yourself.

As the best way to lose weight will work only if you follow through on it to the conclusion like other GOALS where taking Consistent Action and reviewing the progress periodically helps to reach GOALS faster.

To Success

Thank you for taking you time to read through this information if you’re interested in gathering more knowledge on Success / Goals, please continue to search this site.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

FOCUS: How to keep Mind on Track towards GOAL

Gaining focus and maintaining concentration on school, work, or whatever your goal is quite a challenge for most of us isn't it?. Both things however are important if you wish to acheive your GOAL faster and efficiently.

1.Know What You Want.

It is impossible for you to gain focus and concentration if you do not know what you want. Be as specific as possible when describing your goals to yourself. If you know exactly what you want, the better you will be able to focus and concentrate on getting what you want.

2.Take one step at a Time.

Do you know, Even Einstein had to concentrate on the nuclear bomb exclusively before moving on to something else less dangerous.
If you wish to be able to accomplish your goal, you need to take things one step at a time.

3.Divide, Organize, and Conquer.

In relation to doing things one at a time, the best way to gain focus and concentration is by dividing a huge task into smaller sections. Then, you can focus and concentrate on accomplishing one section after another. If you have a project to work on, divide it into sections such as planning, gathering for resources, implementing the changes, and so forth.

If you do it that way, the next thing you know you have already completed the task way before the time allotted for you.

4.Expect Resistance.

Life is never smooth sailing for anyone in this world, not even for Bill Gates. As such, be prepared to encounter resistance of sorts to completing your goals. Distraction comes in all shapes and sizes, so it could be anything that would threaten your focus on concentration.

Knowing however that there will be an obstacle to overcome will already help you to conquer whatever challenge you are facing and resume your focus and concentration.

5.Gaining Focus and Concentration Takes Time.

Do not fool yourself into thinking that you will gain instant success the first time you try to follow these tips. Sure, it is possible for that to happen but it is even more possible that it will not. If you have trouble gaining focus and concentration, do not feel worried and give up immediately because what you are going through is normal.

As time passes however, you will see that gaining focus and concentration gets easier every time.

6.Focus and Concentration are not for Free.

You will always have to give up something to make room for something better. In this case, the price of focus and concentration may just be about anything but its most probably the one thing that causes you the most distraction.

For some, it could be using the telephone during work hours while for some it is their inner struggle for self-confidence.

7.Do Today What You Can Do Tomorrow.

In simple terms: avoid procrastinating. The earlier you start working on your goals, the better you will be able to gain focus and concentration. If you leave things too late, you will end up being stressed, pressured, and bothered by the ticking deadline. If you work early on the other hand, you will be more able to focus and concentrate because there is nothing else to worry about except to get the job done.

Once you do develop the right habits to be able to gain focus and concentration easily then do not take your ability for granted.
Practice, practice, and practice some more!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Do you believe in EMPLOYEE Motivation

As you are aware,motivation is the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. It has also been defined as the inner force that drives us to do something.

What are the benefits of Employee Motivation?

If a person has to do a job and do it good, they need some sort of motivation factor behind it. When employees are motivated they are more likely to enjoy what they do and therefore will produce better result from their work. Therefore, the manager or boss is to motivate the employees then he or she should also be motivated.It has been found that employee motivation is the key to performance improvement.

Factors that could motivate people to do good work.
One of the leading motivating factors in a job is money. Those people who are being paid well for their services are more likely to do better work than those who are not. It has been found in the United States that people who are being underpaid for the work they do are working up the level that they could be. They are too busy thinking about their pay and wishing they were getting more. If they were getting paid for their time and effort then maybe they would be motivated to do better work.
You can also look at employee motivation from a psychological point of view.
As we understand the importance of Employeee Motivation, we must know that the Five different levels to motivation are based on people's needs. These needs include, physiological, safety, social, ego, and self- actualizing. Maslow argued that lower level needs had to be satisfied before the next higher level need would motivate employees. There are other psychologists who believe that there are other factors that lead to motivation amongst people. These include, motivators or intrinsic factors, such as achievement and recognition, produce job satisfaction. Hygiene or extrinsic factors, such as pay and job security, produce job dissatisfaction.

I am sure now you will beleive in Employee Motivation, isn't it?